Saturday, May 31, 2008

iPod VS. Zune

iPod(Apple) Zune(Microsoft)

Zune continues its spectactular ride to the top.
Oh wait, the chart's upside down.

One data point in The Borg's awe-inspiring media
player flameout: GameSpot's dumped the device.

Our friends up north at the CBC report why,
citing NPD and The Borg's own numbers.
Apparently, Microsoft admits that two million
Zunes have shipped since the launch in 2006.
That would be, let's see, a four percent share
of the market, says NPD.

Gee, I wonder how the iPod stacks up?
Wait! Here it is: "Apple in its most recent
quarter sold 10.6 million iPods.
Wait for it ... that's "more than five times
Microsoft's cumulative total for a year and a half."

Thanks for doing the math boys.

Much love and harmonious thoughts to commentard
bobdmac for the CBC link (which has since evaporated)
and this one.
(fakestevejobs's Blog)

虽然冠名是fake steve jobs 的Blog, 但很多人认为背后
真正的写手就是Steve Jobs本人.
一直很崇拜Steve Jobs这个人,对生活的热爱,对工作的狂热,
Who knows?

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